The fun never stops here in Nepal!
Faceplanted the road tonight. A motorbike stopped inches away from my head and a random Australian helped me to my feet and sat me on a plinth. Mum gave me a tissue to dab away the blood and road detritus from a graze on my upper cheek and nose.
As the realisation I could be spending the rest of my time here with a black eye dawned on me, the need to get my bag to our most excellent tour dude at Utmost Travel and ice to my cheek became urgent.
Think the knock to my head got me moving in a virtual panic and without care through the crowded street-sides and overwhelming traffic in the maze of Thamel. I just really wanted ice.
I burst in to the office and Subin Thakuri leapt to his feet to get ice. I felt very taken care of.
*Later Addition* – I did not even consider Mum and what she was thinking when she turned and saw her daughter lying unmoving on the rough bitumen in front of a stopped motor. While she lay unmoving, the scooters and bikes were banking up behind the stationary one. Mum says it was ‘more fear than anything else’
Right, rewinding to this morning.
We visited Seven Women for the third day running to attend a Nepalese Cookery class. Our classmates were interested travellers from Melbourne, Holland and the US. We were taught a 5 dish vegetarian meal and prepared each as a group. The flavours and spices remarkable, so was the silence when we sat to finally eat!

Walking back to Thamel afterward with our newfound friends from the US and Holland was another eye opening experience. I just love trekking in this city.
They showed a shop found to buy stuff for people back home supporting those women who have been sold in to childhood slavery for the manufacturing business. I connected with the founder of Local Women’s Handicrafts, Nasreen Sheikh and very much look forward to visiting the centre upon my return from the tour we embark upon bright and early tomorrow morn.
We visited a recycled paper shop and said goodbye to the girls and proceeded to a famous German Bakery where as well chilling out with a pretzel and milkshake, Greg Kelly could avail himself of a handmade singing bowl. Mum introduced him to Summer Heights High and not even a minute into viewing a clip he was enraptured with Aussie humour, very grateful for the airport viewing and the suggestion to his school students back in the States.
We went back to our hotel, packed our bags then i met the road outside in the fashion you began this update with.
Tomorrow we finally get out of this city and into the rest of Nepal.
Can’t bloody wait.