Skateworld in Mordialloc

Eva Sifis

Well today saw new challenges come into the fray. As the last rink, Rollercity, has not survived Covidicus we have moved onto Skateworld in Mordialloc.

This rink is much, much closer to my home however as it is only open on weekends and evenings, we had to wait for school holidays to do the ‘hand-over’ from my physiotherapist, Sahba. Obviously unable to attend at the operational times, she wanted to clue my friend up on how he could support my very ungainly reintroduction to what used to be a central part of my identity, rollerblades.

No prizes given for who can guess where the main challenge for me today was… they’re everywhere, they’re everywhere! I am very grateful that up to now I have learnt in a quiet space because I have gained a confidence that was lacking.

Now I’ll will be able to attend at leisure in order to improve my skills at a much faster rate.

There is still so far to go! Seeing the staff cruise smoothly around on their skates is all the motivation I need.

I did it once upon a time.

I will do it again!