Still feeling a little under the weather today. Mum travels at a rate of knots so I asked nicely for another ‘off’ day. After a while, I think she appreciated it. As did I, believe me.
We ventured out tonight for an evening constitutional beside the compound containing many places of worship and the study of Buddhist texts as Lumbini is recognised as the birthplace of Buddha.
I got quite a stride on after being in one room for the entire day and had to be pulled up. Thinking I was heading somewhere, I was surprised to be told I had passed it ages before.
Mum mentioned how appalled she was as when she had visited 4 years ago the place was spotless however now rubbish and plastic detritus litters the roadway and surrounding area, same as everywhere else.
Tomorrow we are heading into the compound bright and early to visit monasteries and nunneries.
There are Hindu temples there too as the Buddha is recognised as the 11th incarnation of Vishnu.
It seems right and just to have spent this day honouring our physicality when tomorrow we honour our spirituality.
This evening, as the sun set, we boarded a tuk tuk taking us close to the Indian border on the roadway that is presently being widened. Verily needed with ever increasing traffic, a one-and-a-bit lane road cannot handle it.
At dinner tonight our guide, Mahesh, spoke of cultural aspects of being Brahmin, a Hindu caste, the highest caste of princes and priests, and princesses and priestesses (sic).
It is 9 and twill be an early night to prepare for an early start.
We head to Chitwan the day after.